Reflection on Jesus' teachings in Luke 6:39-45 for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C). Explore the dangers of spiritual blindness, the need for humility, and how our actions reveal the true state of our hearts. Discover the call to true discipleship, self-examination, and bearing good fruit in our daily lives

"Love your enemies, do good, and be merciful—just as our Heavenly Father is merciful. This Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 6:27-38) challenges us to live out radical love, forgiveness, and generosity.

Discover true happiness through Jesus' Beatitudes. This sermon contrasts worldly success with lasting joy in Christ, urging us to trust in God rather than fleeting comforts.

"Put Out into the Deep" is a call to trust in Jesus even when the path seems uncertain. Based on Luke 5:1-11, this sermon invites us to step out in faith, embrace our mission, and follow Christ wholeheartedly.

God calls us to share in his mission even though we are sinners.

Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple

Jesus announces his public ministry

Jesus presence at Wedding at Cana

At the time of Baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and voice from heaven said "You are my beloved Son. My favour rest on you

The Magi from East visited Baby Jesus, presented gifts and worshipped him

Magi from East paying a visit to Baby Jesus

St. Teresa of Calcutta - the salt and light of the world