What is the Catholic understanding of marriage?

In Catholicism, marriage is not merely a social contract but a sacred sacrament. It is a divine covenant in which a baptized man and a baptized woman administer the sacrament to each other through their marriage vows and lifelong partnership. For Catholics, sacramental marriage mirrors the union of Christ with the Church, his mystical body, and is therefore regarded as an indissoluble union.
The marriage rite typically takes place during a Mass, where a priest serves as the minister of the Eucharist and a witness to the couple’s mutual consent. This sacred union is not only a commitment between the husband and wife but also a means of sanctification. Through marriage, the couple is drawn into a deeper understanding of God’s love, fostering spiritual growth and holiness.
Moreover, Catholic marriage is inherently ordered toward fruitfulness. The couple is called to welcome and raise children within the teachings of the Church, ensuring that the family becomes a living reflection of God’s love and grace.