Confirmation is the third sacrament of initiation and serves to "confirm" a baptized person in their faith. In our Archdiocese the Sacrament of Confirmation is administer at the age of 16 and above. For adult converts it is performed immediately after baptism. A bishop or priest normally performs the rite, which includes the laying on of hands in prayer and blessing and the anointing of the forehead with chrism (holy oil) with the words, ”Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” In so "sealing" that person as a member of the church, the outward rite of confirmation signifies the inner presence of the Holy Spirit, who is believed to provide the strength to live out a life of faith.
The Sacrament of Confirmation administered by Bishop Bosco Penha when Fr. Vincent Barboza was the Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Forsaken Church, Malad West, Mumbai

The bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation. For pastoral reasons he may delegate a priest to administer the sacrament.